v.intr. A safety sign like this is vital in order to provide the correct information to people in an emergency. sondern aufgrund eines Kundenauftrags. Empfehlungen DICTIONARY ; THESAURUS ; GRAMMAR . 1.2 no object (of a group of people) gather together. In today’s competitive market, consumers are demanding products that are tailored according to their own unique requirements.The configure-to-order process is based on the concept of configure to order. Assemble-to-Order.

To fit together the parts or pieces of: assemble a machine; assemble data. European Journal of Operational Research, 2011, 210(3): 495–513Giard V, Jeunet J. Optimal sequencing of mixed models with sequence-dependent setups and utility workers on an assembly line. 2. WORD ORIGINS ; LANGUAGE QUESTIONS ; WORD LISTS; SPANISH DICTIONARY; Oxford English and Spanish … Auftragsfertigung (assemble to order): Beschaffung>OPP> Fertigung> Beschaffung prognosegetrieben: Beschaffung kundenspezifisch: Fertigung und Montage Bsp: Dellcomputer selbst zusammenbauen lassen. To bring or call together into a group or whole: The bailiff assembled the jury.

Ein Produkt wird dabei erst nach der Bestellung des Kunden hergestellt. WORD ORIGINS ; LANGUAGE QUESTIONS ; WORD LISTS; SPANISH DICTIONARY; More. Beim Herstellungsprozess … We also call it Build-to-Order or BTO. Order scheduling is aimed to ensure order delivery with the optimization goal of minimal total overdue time, while product sequencing is aimed to minimize the makespan so as to meet the requirement on completion time of the order. Das heißt: Die Waren werden erst produziert, wenn ein konkreter Kundenauftrag vorliegt.

And provide the best possible customer service.Start 15 days free trial now and see what difference it makes to your business International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2012, 61(5–8): 677–690Bautista J, Cano A. Bei Assemble-to-Order geht es um den Zusammenbau und die Endfertigung von kundenspezifischen Produkten aus vorgefertigten Komponenten. International Journal of Production Research, 2001, 39(16): 3623–3640State Key Lab of Digital Manufacturing Equipment and Technology, School of Mechanical Science and Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, 430074, ChinaBaoxi Wang, Zailin Guan, Yarong Chen, Xinyu Shao, Ming Jin & Chaoyong ZhangYou can also search for this author in

Bei dieser Art von Aufträgen geht es in der Regel um Produktionen nach individuellen Kundenwünschen, bei denen die Produktionsabteilung nicht vor der Auftragserteilung, … Make to Order (MTO), oft auch Build to Order (BTO), steht für die klassische Auftragsfertigung. Das Gegenstück ist die Lagerfertigung (engl. The customer provides a set of specifications which the manufacturer uses to make products or source its components, in order to fulfill the customer’s requirements.The made-to-order strategy eliminates stocking extra inventory that does not sell. You can also search for this author in First, determining production priority for the received orders, and then conducting assembly sequence to the mixed-model products in each order. International Journal of Production Research, 2000, 38(6): 1465–1466Mosadegh H, Zandieh M, Ghomi S. Simultaneous solving of balancing and sequencing problems with station-dependent assembly times for mixed-model assembly lines. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2007, 185(1): 11–18Hsu S Y, Liu C H. Improving the delivery efficiency of the customer order scheduling problem in a job shop.