
You can support our work by A collaborative, free and open database of food products from around the world.I have already donated or I'm not interested. It is made for all, by all, and it is funded by all. Kemnath: BY 401 Milchhof Albert GmbH & Co. KG Scheßlitz: BY 402, BY 40408 Bayernland e.G. DE BY 305 EG für Amberg + DE BY 40408 EG für Bayreuth. - Ja! You can support our work by A collaborative, free and open database of food products from around the world.I have already donated or I'm not interested. Ergebnis für "DE BY 303 EG": Dieser Hersteller steckt dahinter: Naabtaler Milchwerke Bechtel oHG Adresse: Molkereistraße 5, 92521 Schwarzenfeld

Packager code: DE BY-305 EG.

Open Food Facts is made by a non-profit association, independent from the industry.

Betriebsnummer: DE - BY 301 - EG . Drilldown into products by... Countries; Brands; Categories; Labels; Packaging; Origins of ingredients; Manufacturing or processing places; Packager codes; Ingredients; Additives; Added vitamins; Regensburg: BY 307 Naabtaler Milchwerke Bechtel oHG Schwarzenfeld: BY 308 Bayernland e.G. Die Produkte mit Produzenten-Code DE BY-305 EG - Die Produkte mit Produzenten-Code DE BY-305 EG Land: Deutschland - Entsprechende Produkte aus der ganzen Welt anzeigen 17 Produkte : 10 products : Cottage Cheese - Oma - 200 g; 45% mozzarella - Formagia - 220 g; Mozzarella, 45% Fett i. Tr.

30 products. Bundesland: Bayern. Ergebnis für "DE BY 305 EG": Dieser Hersteller steckt dahinter: Bayernland e.G. It is made for all, by all, and it is funded by all. Adresse: Hans-Thoma-Straße 28, 92224 Amberg. Products with the emb code DE BY-305 EG.

Open Food Facts is made by a non-profit association, independent from the industry. Stadt: A­. Packager code: DE BY-305 EG - Products with the emb code DE BY-305 EG. Bayreuth: BY 409 (alt), BY 40409 (neu) BY 411 (alt), BY 40426 (neu) In Geschäften von EDEKA, Kaufland und anderer Discounter wie Lidl bin ich so auf die Bayrische Molkerei gestoßen, denn der BIO Mozzarella ist wirklich gut und lecker.

It is made for all, by all, and it is funded by all.

Amberg: BY 306 Bayernland e.G. Herkunft: Bayern, Deutschland Milchhof Tirschenreuth eG Tirschenreuth: BY 305 Bayernland e.G. You can support our work by Open Food Facts gathers information and data on food products from around the world.Open Food Facts is made by a non-profit association, independent from the industry. Betriebsstätte Stephansposching. You can support our work by Open Food Facts gathers information and data on food products from around the world.Open Food Facts is made by a non-profit association, independent from the industry.

- 125g; Cottage Cheese - Mimosa; Mozarella wrap - Bayernland; Mozzarella Classico - Cucina - 125 g; EV 305 - Willms Fleisch GmbH, Betrieb Felderhoferbrücke 15. DE BY-305 EG. Hide the banner.Bio-Korniger Frischkase Halbfettstufe - Naturgut - 200g Betriebsnummer: BY 305 Name des Betriebs: Milchwerke Regensburg eG Kategorie: Milcherzeugnisbetriebe. m­b­e­r­g. EV 305 – Willms Fleisch GmbH, Betrieb Felderhoferbrücke 15 Betriebsnummer: EV 305 Name des Betriebs: Willms Fleisch GmbH, Betrieb Felderhoferbrücke 15 Kategorie: Verarbeitungsbetriebe. Unsere Käserei in Tittling stellt Frischkäse „nach italienischer Art" wie Ricotta und Mascarpone sowie Butter her.

It is made for all, by all, and it is funded by all. Hide the banner.Mozzarella - REWE Bio - 220 g, Abtropfgewicht 125 g Betriebsnummer: DE - BY 261 - EG . Betriebsstätte Tittling.