Creating your own self-guided walk in Berlin is easy and fun. The island itself is spectacular for a walk, with wonderful architecture, statues, gardens and trees, so enjoy the atmosphere and make at least a day out... 
Swingin' Afternoon zur Fête de la Musique. Happy to be playing at “Streampunk: A multi-continent online festival” on June 13! Once the center of the Eastern Jewish community, nowadays Scheuenviertel is a trendy entertainment, art, and shopping zone. Today, the city proves just as luring a destination for numerous travelers who want to come and enjoy themselves in this fascinating European capital and, perhaps, bring home...Kreuzberg and "Kreuzkölln" - the area where Kreuzberg and Neukölln meet, mostly along the canal in east Kreuzberg and north of Sonnenallée in Neukölln - has a constantly and rapidly evolving bar culture that makes it one of the trendiest alternative evening and nightlife spots in...Repeatedly scarred throughout its long and often depressing past, today's Berlin has made a comeback as a major bohemian hub which lures artists and creatively-minded folk from all over the globe in their droves. Let me introduce you to our Patreon:   Get your karma boost NOW and become a patron!My new house project Club 27 is introduced in the cover story of the current Beatselector Magazine issue! Take this tour to discover the magnificent religious heritage of Berlin and its landmark temples. Genres: Tech House, Tech Swing, Swing House, Deep House, Electro Swing. Beatselector - Cover Story. ... Zwei anständige DJs und ein verrückter Typ an der Jazzpfeife mischen Electro Swing und Tech …

Heinlein & Weigert • Berlin // Neuer Termin. my mix):I just arrived in Montpellier (Southern France) and finished the sound check for tonight’s party at Nu Bahia! One of Berlin's cosmopolitan hearts, Alexanderplatz is a true hive of activity. This sight is featured in a self-guided walking tour of Berlin, Germany within the mobile app "GPSmyCity: Walks in 1K+ Cities" which can be downloaded from Located inside the elaborate Culture Brewery complex which includes galleries, clubs, and theaters tied to a common courtyard area, the Frannz Club is a hot nightspot that offers up a range of great entertainment that heats up its dance floor, Music includes both live bands and DJ sets and ranges from rock and indie, to electro-swing, dance, pop, and other flavors of electronic music. There is always something going on here: Christmas markets, Easter fairs, buskers, performances, Oktoberfest, and the list is countless. Diesmal am Pfingstsonntag - Montag kann ausgeschlafen werden! You can even set your hotel as the start point of the walk. About Bob, Matz & Viele Töne. Best of March 2019 - Mix. electro swing revolution meets tannz frannz berlin. Weekends focus more on resident DJs spinning current and classic rock, pop, and dance favorites in a non-stop party atmosphere. The "Third Reich" and "Nazi Germany" are the common English names for Germany between 1933 and 1945, when it was a totalitarian state led by Adolf Hitler and the National Socialist German Workers' Party. Related Searches. Gebäude des früheren Franz-Clubs als Teil der heutigen Kulturbrauerei Der Franz-Club war eine Diskothek für bis zu 400 Besucher auf dem Gelände der ehemaligen , der heutigen , im des heutigen Ortsteils von. Easily accessible, with lots of transport connections and all manner of drink and food outlets, it's a great place to hang around, take photos, and enjoy some of the popular...  Find all info at the Facebook Event! 23 September 2020. ... Verschoben: Hudson Taylor – Berlin, Frannz Club (neuer Termin!) The club offers the Swing & Wine menu for 10 Euros, 3 open wines for 5 Euros and 25% off from every wine on the Swing & Wine menu. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it.
Prohibition Radio Show. On almost every corner you can find a kebab or falafel shop, although the trick is knowing which to choose! Electro Swing Revolution - Carnival Edition Zondag 15 mei 2016 @ 23:00. Frannz Club, Berlin, DE . It may well not be considered a typical foodie destination yet, but in recent...Cafes have a certain refinery and elegance that pubs lack; there is a mellowness that is rarely found in bars and clubs, and an ease and tranquillity that is not to be found in restaurants with their steaming kitchens, heavy plates, clattering cutlery, constant complaints and corrections and,...Kreuzberg is known for having great cheap, street food, particularly of the Middle Eastern variety. The Frannz Club also sponsors a swing dance night with lessons, as well as the popular Swing & Wine night and the Lost Cabaret, an evening combining theater, dining, and music. 21 June 2020. Of course Justin also plays at the Electro Swing Revolution parties in Berlin.

Scheuenviertel or "the Barn Quarter" was named so after the barns built here in the 17th century to store hay. While you can typically get a good, tasty wrap for €2.50-4, the quality, quantity and...Self-guided walking tours apps on iOS and Android for exploring cities on foot - they make bus tours obsolete!Not packed in a bus.

Not herded with a group. All Rights ReservedWe use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. I Was There. Electro Swing Revolution einmal monatlich im Frannz Club! Berlin is arguably the best clubbing city in Europe, if not the whole world, seeing thousands of party-goers flock in every weekend to the local bars and clubs to dance and drink themselves “into a frenzy” all night long, thanks to the most liberal opening hours. Heute macht endlich mal wieder die Electro Swing Revolution bei uns Station und serviert uns den tanzbarsten Retro-Flash, den wo gibt! The Frannz Club also sponsors a swing dance night with lessons, as well as the popular Swing & Wine night and the Lost Cabaret, an evening combining theater, dining, and music. More recently, however, the ethnically Turkish and Arab communities that have typically inhabited...Too many people and for very different reasons strove to set their foot in Berlin over the course of the 20th century.