from 12 November 2020 to 4 January 2021 All the program. 31 juil 2020.

Book Pompeii Immersive exhibition. Conduits pour la plupart par d’authentiques convictions, ces artistes s’opposent dans la définition de ce que doit être l’art du socialisme. A round-up of not-to-miss exhibitions in 2019!

Nouvelles découvertes . Until 31 December, the Atelier des Lumières … New Discoveries . Discover our selection of must-see exhibitions to admire during your stay with a group or before or after an event in the capital. du 1 juillet 2020 au 27 septembre 2020 Exposition En savoir plus Noir & Blanc : une esthétique de la photographie. Le monument prenait donc valeur de symbole architectural fort dans le quartier du palais présidentiel. Mais dès la fin des années 1920, les débats sont clos p… En savoir plus Noir & Blanc : a photographic aesthetic Collection of the Bibliothèque nationale de France .

Occasionally we collaborate with other partners: for instance, local authorities in the cities of Lille, Limoges, or Marseille, or joint regional authorities in Pays d’Aix or Montpellier. We work closely with them to draw up lists of works, manage loan requests with museums, and bring works from all over the world to you. During these few decades, the status of the

The exhibition ends with the presentation of the different excavations, from old to current ones.Close to Dada and Surrealist movements, Man Ray became in the 1920s the photographer of very popular fashion houses and published his pictures in the most famous revues. du 12 novembre 2020 au 4 janvier 2021 Filtrer. Grand Palais du 20 mars au 1er juillet 2019 En 1917, la révolution d’Octobre provoque un bouleversement de l’ordre social dont les répercussions sur la création artistique s’avèrent déterminantes. from 1 July 2020 to 27 September 2020 Grand Palais, Galerie sud-est. Archaeological treasures. ‘Van Gogh, the starry night’ at the Atelier des Lumières. Rooted in the history of photography, black and white embody the essence of this discipline with its aesthetic and plastic force. Whether in the Grand Palais, the Musée du Luxembourg, or our partner museums, we are passionate about organizing major international art exhibitions, ringing the changes across classical, modern and contemporary art. The immense space of the Grand Palais’s nave can house exhibitions on a grand scale, while the national galleries, more classical in style, display the work of great artists in temporary exhibitions. In 2019, get ready for a cultural journey by taking advantage of the rich programme of shows at Parisian museums! Trésors archéologiques. We enjoy spreading our vision of culture to practically every corner of France. De nombreux artistes adhèrent au projet communiste et veulent participer par leurs oeuvres à l’édification de la société nouvelle. Tout le magazine. Événement. Pour vivre pleinement les expositions du Grand Palais, téléchargez l'application mobile gratuite ! Visitez la Nef du Grand Palais cet été et l'atelier de l'artiste Franck Scurti ! Together we plan themes for exhibitions and retrospectives which are delivered by top experts in the field – the exhibition curators. Grand Palais invites you to discover 300 emblematic prints from the exceptional collections of the Bibliothèque nationale de France, through this transversal theme. Our teams work with all the main museums in France and abroad: the Louvre, Musée d’Orsay, Pompidou Centre, Musée Fabre (Montpellier), Musée Granet (Aix-en-Provence), the Met (New York), Tate Modern (London), Musée Thyssen-Bornemisza (Madrid) as well as the Polo Museale of Florence. Nos expositions. Promenade immersive. Grand Palais invites you to discover 300 emblematic prints from the exceptional collections of the Bibliothèque nationale de France, through this transversal theme.This immersive exhibition plunges the visitors in the heart of Pompei, in the time of its splendour, and during the tragedy of its destruction, via 360° screenings in very high resolution, 3D reconstitutions with acoustic creations. (3 weekends d'août, en accès libre ou en visite guidée) 31 juil 2020 .

Type d'événément . Collection de la Bibliothèque nationale de France . Exposition. Fleuron de l’Exposition universelle de 1900, le Grand Palais est devenu en un siècle un site emblématique du patrimoine français.

Ce palais des beaux-arts fut construit à dessein dans un endroit stratégique de la capitale : "l’axe républicain", dernière grande percée de Paris, permettant un accès direct et rapide des Invalides au palais de l’Élysée, grâce au nouveau pont Alexandre-III, édifié pour l’occasion. Whether in the Grand Palais, the Musée du Luxembourg, or our partner museums, we are passionate about organizing major international art exhibitions, ringing the changes across classical, modern and contemporary art. L'exposition Pompéi est ouverte tout l'été (nocturne le mercredi) ! Take it from us, it’s an exciting business. Le Grand Palai… Exposition Réservez Pompéi. The Grand Palais is a monument symbolic of Paris.Built for the World Fair of 1900, it is a unique exhibition venue. Grand Palais, Salon d'Honneur - Square Jean Perrin. Linking photography and fashion, this exhibition presents an unknown aspect of the work of this great artist from the 20Between the 1780s and 1830s, women artists gained unprecedented visibility, which helped to establish the place of women in artistic production.