You can explore Electude yourself in a free trial or we can schedule a demo specially for you.Automotive Essentials offers a comprehensive curriculum of automotive maintenance and repair learning modules.Heavy Vehicle Systems includes coverage of critical areas of heavy vehicles in a discovery-based environment that keeps students engaged. Electude’s modules utilize gamification principles and highly interactive resources, like animations and simulations, to create a discovery-based environment that keeps students engaged. The Electude Simulator is part of the most comprehensive online e-learning solution for the automotive industry and vocational schools. Benutzername = 1. This includes student communications, working with student results including certificates, the Engine Management Simulator, the DIY tool […]This webinar is a “virtual office hour” where users of Electude may ask any question they wish about the product. Sign up for a free trial today and test-drive Electude for yourself Check our website - -

Benutzeranleitung Electude E-Learning : Für Fragen bitte E-Mail an: Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Electude bietet Ihnen verschiedene Produkte und lehrplanrelevante Bausteine an. Andere Cookies, die den Komfort bei Benutzung dieser Website erhöhen, der Direktwerbung dienen oder die Interaktion mit anderen Websites und sozialen Netzwerken vereinfachen sollen, werden nur mit Ihrer Zustimmung gesetzt. Our e-learning platform reimagines the ways technical students learn and retain information. This includes logging in, locating tabs, courses, students, groups, and the basics of building a course.
European Union website - EUROPA is the official EU website that provides access to information published by all EU institutions, agencies and bodies.

It was a wonderful evening that gave the opportunity to celebrate with colleagues and network in style. Duration: As needed, likely not to exceed 2-3 hours.Welcome! Visit our site for more information or request a free trial Electude LMS site, exclusive for your company or school with all automotive content preloaded. erreicht werden. Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein! Buchstabe vom Vornamen + kompletter Nachname, zusammengeschrieben und klein Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein! Electude’s new Systems Technologies teaches technical students what they need to know for success today.

Electude ist die E-Learning-Software für die Kfz-Ausbildung. Join a webinar. Our 100th year celebrations took place on the 11th March 2020, at the InterContinental Hotel, London.

Wir, die Staatliche Berufsschule 1 Passau, sind als Zentrum für kompetente und innovative Aus- und Weiterbildung Partner der Ausbildungsbetriebe im östlichen Niederbayern für folgende Bereiche: Metalltechnik (Fertigungs-, Versorgungs- und Fahrzeugtechnik), Elektrotechnik, IT-Technik, Körperpflege, Ernährung (Gastronomie und Metzger/Metzgereifachverkäufer) und Agrarwirtschaft. Electude is a cloud based automotive e-learning solution that allows instructors to assign, create, manage and grade lessons, exercises, tests and tasks. You and your students can apply knowledge, solve problems and discuss the how and the why of every solution. Level: […]This webinar is an overview of the more advanced features of Electude. A printed companion guidebook is available separately.Electude’s Engine Management Simulator allows users to practice their diagnostic skills in a highly realistic simulated environment. Electude bietet: Interaktive und praxisorientierte Wissensvermittlung. Major mood! Our e-learning platform is designed to address the reality that most technical students prefer hands-on learning. Von HV-Fahrzeugen spricht man immer dann, wenn die Spannung über 25 V Wechselstrom (AC) bzw. garon- reec16n del.sefior Roger A. Queralt, director ge era] de EstadlotIca del A- __ --- ----DIARIO DE LA MARINX-JUEVES 2 DE -387MMIRE DE 1948 ARO OM' TAR-10 DE LA -MARINA Por Altoa4" IONES' I COONTAKDO N Learn all about our partner products including CCAR, ConsuLab, THEPRA, MotoLogic, HaynesPro and Haynes AllAccess. It uses interactive lessons, animations and simulations in over 100 lesson modules, emphasizing safety and simulating safe work practices. Duration: As needed, likely not to exceed 2-3 hours.This webinar introduces users to the basics needed for beginning users of Electude. E-Learning öffnen mit diesem Link: 2. For those who can’t attend our live session, we’ll provide a recording. It has been designed to cover all areas of leading national qualification standards including ASE, IMI, City & Guilds, Lernfelder, TESDA, and Grado Superior.This complete electric drive curriculum teaches technical students and working technicians all of the components and systems of hybrid and electric vehicles, including electric motors, hybrid systems, charging systems, and the most current battery technology.
Students can complete their assignments from any location and from almost any online device. Dann melden Sie sich jetzt für einen kostenlosen Testzugang an und machen Sie Ihre eigene Probefahrt mit Electude. Benutzername = 1. Addressing tomorrow’s challenges within the marine, energy and industrial sectors, MAN Energy Solutions improves efficiency and performance at a systemic level. Wir beraten Sie gerne, welche Produkte am besten zu Ihren Bedürfnissen passen.

– We will be using GoToWebinar. We offer webinars multiple times a week both for beginners and long time users. Level: Determined by participants