Later on, I flashed Q'd the Twitch, and noticed by stacks double from 32 to 56. "I reached 800 stacks by the time most ARAMs are over long ago. Nobody could.people dont play ap nasus because he is better, they just like poking champs in aramI agree that Nasus is obviously a lot stronger but if you think AP Nasus isn’t good then you’re doing something wrong or you’re just super high ARAM MMRImagine letting a immobile tank with no CC get near farm in ARAM.your team has to lack waveclear. They couldn't stop me. He wants to stack his Nasus has no escapes and limited mobility. So much fun with E hits HARD!!!! it’s even hard for irelia to q.Please expose this so it gets nerfed, it takes the fun out of arams.Yeah he’s pretty strong. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts Try to keep the minion wave on your side of the river so Nasus must overextend to farm and makes himself an easy gannk target.Nasus is weak in the early game and needs time to scale up. Sort by role, rank, region. Counter Nasus by focusing him with your jungler and setting him behind so he can't scale.Do not Auto Attack your wave and push it unless you can push it all the way to the enemy turret and reset. Nasus is hilariously strong if you get to farm.

Best Counter Picks from the Best Data. Be proactive in abusing your advantage in other parts of the map.
The incite scaling champs are nightmares, like Nasus or full tank veigarEnded up getting Nasus last night into a team with Shaco and Heimerdinger.The perfect storm of the rest of my team being poke heavy enough for me to free farm let me have 1300 stacks by the end of the game which only lasted about 25 minutes or so. Nasus wants to be able to freeze the wave on his side of the river and farm.Nasus wants to sit in a side wave, farm and push turrets. LoL S10 Patch 10.16. Build full tank (maybe throw in IBG and Steraks) and focus on stacking.I reached 800 stacks by 23 minutes, and just marked in and smashed their backline. Nasus excels in drawn out teamfights so you want to focus him first and burst him quickly before he gets to your backline.U.GG isn’t endorsed by Riot Games and doesn’t reflect the views or opinions of Riot Games or anyone officially involved in producing or managing League of Legends. ADCs are nothing without their Support, and U.GG is nothingUse win rate and GD15 to find the best Top Lane champion who counters Nasus.

KR Top 100% Korea - Version : 10.16 Nasus Champion Tier: Tier 4 Q W E R Counter Champion Strong against Yorick Win Ratio 46.14% … Later on, I flashed Q'd the Twitch, and noticed by stacks double from 32 to 56.It was then that I remembered that Nasus stacking is doubled in Howling Abyss.So please, if you get Nasus on ARAM, don't go the Virgin AP stay back and spam E's oh no why am I useless build, and don't reroll him. Nasus Counter.

WTF 6MIN BOOTS 9K SF GOD Crazy Triple Raze Deleted Meepo Spammer 100% Fast Hand + Max Soul Buff DotA - Duration: 28:56. So I vaguely remember that Nasus got bonus stacks in ARAM, but when I got him, it didn't clock for a while. He makes perfect senseNew comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be castPress J to jump to the feed.

I agree that Nasus is obviously a lot stronger Take objectives and force him to join his team.Try to burst Nasus in teamfights. Riot-partnered U.GG analyzes millions of LoL matches.

"I go ap nasus because I get tilted trying to stack as my sivir and trist mindlessly slam their aas into the minionsFeels bad for the poor champion that can't use klepto on ARAM.He suggested not to reroll because he is op and is suggesting you to give it a try !

ARAMでみんながスタック譲ってくれるとタンク特化以外は一瞬で溶かせるお化けになった -- 2020-08-08 (土) 01:39:00 2243591514> こいつ握撃で序盤からクソ強いしサステインお化けでどうしようもないんだが。 So I vaguely remember that Nasus got bonus stacks in ARAM, but when I got him, it didn't clock for a while.